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Documenting JSON with nesting

Previously, in Documenting a single-level response in JSON, we used a table to document a single-level JSON response.

To document nesting, you can either indent or create a table for each object type:


  • Each indent indicates a level of nesting.
    • Use the tag &nbsp to create an indent/space in tables.
  • Best for cases where objects are not reused.
  • Takes up less space.

The following JSON data is nested and represents song information:

      "title":"JSON Lullaby",
      "artist":"The Instructors",
         "Jen Trainer",
         "John Teacher"

We can document this data in a table:

Element Description Type
song Top level song data object
    title Song title string
    artist Song artist string
    musicians A list of musicians that play on the song array of string

Create a table for each object type

  • Best for cases where objects are reused.
  • Takes up more space.

See: Activity: Using JSON to Describe a Menu Structure for an example.

The above method is from the course Learn API Technical Writing: JSON and XML for Writers by Peter Gruenbaum.