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How do I add files in Git?

Let's say that you have Git installed and you've initialized the repository. Is Git tracking any new files that you create?

Not until you add them.

Let's say you have created a new file called newpost.txt. You can run the following command to have Git start tracking it:

git add newpost.txt


You can add multiple files at once with this command:

git add .

The period at the end indicates that everything in the current directory should be added.

Adding a file means that you are adding the file to the staging index with the intenion of committing your changes. No, you can't commit your changes before adding. That's not how Git works.

After you have added the file, you can use the following command to get a summary of which files have changes that are staged for the next commit:

git status

  • Skoglund, K. (2019). Git Essential Training: The Basics [Video]. LinkedIn Learning.
  • Pro Git