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How do I initialize a Git repository?

A repository is a directory identified by Git for tracking changes. In order for Git to track changes to documents, it must be initialized within the project directory. You can do that with this command:

git init

If you run this command in an empty folder, it will create a new, empty repository. The folder will remain empty until files are added.


Actually, the folder will only appear to be empty. Executing git init creates a .git subdirectory with metadata and template files.

If you run this command in an existing project folder, it will re-initialize Git tracking.


git init will likely be the first command you run in a new project. Other Git commands will not work until the repository is initialized.

What happens after I initialize a repository?

You would assume that running the git init command will let Git know we would like it to start keeping track of any files in that folder. Unfortunately, Git will not keep track of anything unless you instruct it to. More on that later!

  • Skoglund, K. (2019). Git Essential Training: The Basics [Video]. LinkedIn Learning.
  • Pro Git
  • Atlassian Git Tutorial